Herpes simplex solaris

Zuletzt aktualisiert: 2022-11-16

Autor(en): Anzengruber F., Navarini A.

ICD11: -

Durch UV-Strahlung induziertes Herpes-Rezidiv. Meist handelt es sich hierbei um einen Herpes labialis.

Oft ausgeprägter Herpes labialis.

  1. Ludema, C., et al., Association between unprotected ultraviolet radiation exposure and recurrence of ocular herpes simplex virus. Am J Epidemiol, 2014. 179(2): p. 208-15.
  2. Chi, C.C., et al., Interventions for prevention of herpes simplex labialis (cold sores on the lips). Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2015. 8: p. CD010095.
  3. Dougal, G. and S.Y. Lee, Evaluation of the efficacy of low-level light therapy using 1072 nm infrared light for the treatment of herpes simplex labialis. Clin Exp Dermatol, 2013. 38(7): p. 713-8.
  4. Blake, J.A., et al., Design of xanthone propionate photolabile protecting group releasing acyclovir for the treatment of ocular herpes simplex virus. Photochem Photobiol Sci, 2012. 11(3): p. 539-47.