Tinea capitis

Last Updated: 2023-07-07

Author(s): Anzengruber F., Navarini A.

ICD11: 1F28.0

Tinea capillitii.

Fungal infection of the terminal hairy head.

  • Pathogen
    • Microsporum canis (> 50%)
    • Trichophyton mentagrophytes (< 25%)
    • T. verrucosum (< 20%)
    • T. rubrum (ca. 10%)
    • Rarely: T. violaceum, tonsurans, soudanese, T. schoenleinii, M. audouinii
  • Depending on whether the fungus is located in the hair shaft or outside, one speaks of an ecto- or  endotrix infection.
  • Depending on the depth of infiltration, a distinction can be made between tinea capitis superficialis and tinea capitis profunda.

  • Detection of pathogens by means of scale extraction, biopsy or hair epilation.
  • Native potassium hydroxide preparation: The material obtained is placed on a slide and dissolved by means of 20% potassium hydroxide solution. In case of fungal infection, fungal filaments can be seen microscopically.
  • Periodic acid-Schiff stain (PAS): In the context of a dermatopathological examination, the existence of fungal filaments and spores (red) can be detected by means of PAS staining.
  • Fluorescence microscopy: Fluorescent dyes can be used to optically visualise the cell walls of fungi.
  • Wood light lamp: Shows fluorescence in, for example,  favus, microsporiasis, tinea inguinalis.
  • Culture (Gold standard): Cultural cultivation of fungi. Duration: Up to 4 weeks for dermatophytes, up to 2 weeks for moulds, approx. 3-4 days for yeasts.
  • Microculture: This allows further differentiation between the various fungal species.
  • Molecular diagnostics: Rapid amplification is achieved by PCR. The method is very sensitive.

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