Trichobacteriosis palmellina

Last Updated: 2023-07-07

Author(s): Anzengruber F., Navarini A.

ICD11: -

Trichomycosis palmellina, if only the axillae are affected Trichobacteriosis axillaris, Trichobacteriosis palmellina flava, Trichobacteriosis palmellina rubra or Trichobacteriosis palmellina nigra.

  • Frequent disease
  • Men more often affected than women

Corynebacterium tenuis, a gram-positive, saprophytic bacterium belongs to the physiological skin and hair flora. A lack of hygiene and pronounced hyperhidrosis can lead to pathological proliferation.

  • Whitish, yellowish, reddish to blackish, encrusted deposits (Trichobacteriosis palmellina flava, rubra or nigra), which are difficult to remove. The penetrating odour (bromhidrosis), which is caused by the bacterial decomposition of sweat products, is striking. The patient is subjectively symptom-free
  • Frequently seen in association with keratoma sulcatum and erythrasma

  • Clinic
  • Wood light shows different coloured efflorescences
  • Bact. smear

Achselhöhlen, rarely Mons pubis, very rarely whole terminal hair.

If inconsistent therapy and lack of personal hygiene, chronic course.

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