Vibrio infection

Last Updated: 2023-07-07

Author(s): Anzengruber F., Navarini A.

ICD11: -

  • Vibrio cholerae:
    • A trigger of notifiable cholera

  • Vibrio vulnificus:
    • Mostly in warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico.
    • Transmission occurs, for example: through marine animals or cutaneous inoculation
    • There is an occurrence of erysipelas, necrotising fasciitis, muscle necrosis and sepsis

  • Aeromonas hydrophila:
    • Triggering gastroenterotides, erysipelas and subacute abscesses

Erythematous macules, sometimes blistering.

GI symptoms (vomiting, diarrhoea).

  1. Borenstein M , Kerdel F. Infections with Vibrio vulnificus. Dermatologic Clinics 2003;21:245-8.
  2. Burke WA , Jones BE. Cutaneous infections of the coast. N C Med J 1987;48:421-4.
  3. Hlady WG , Klontz KC. The Epidemiology of Vibrio Infections in Florida, 1981-1993. Journal of Infectious Diseases 1996;173:1176-83.
  4. Kumamoto KS , Vukich DJ. Clinical Infections of Vibrio vulnificus: A Case Report and Review of the Literature. The Journal of Emergency Medicine 1998;16:61-6.