
Last Updated: 2023-07-07

Author(s): Anzengruber F., Navarini A.

ICD11: 1F25.Z

  • Wernicke 1892
  • Posadas 1892

Coccidioidal granuloma, desert rheumatism, valley fever, California disease, coccidioidomycosis, San Joaquin Valley Fever, valley fever, desert fever, desert rheumatism.

Systemic fungal infection occurring mainly in the Americas.

  • Southern USA, Central and South America
  • Up to 15 times more common in Asians and blacks

  • Pathogen: Coccidioides immitis, a dimorphic fungus
  • Incubation period: 10-18 days
  • Transmission occurs via dust. In primary infection, erythema nodosum or erythema exsudativum multiforme may occur
  • In 1% of cases, haematogenous spread leads to further organ involvement (skin, bone and CNS)
  • Association with immunosuppression

  • The pathogens are inhaled via the lungs, where inoculation occurs. Rarely, infection occurs through the skin
  • Flu-like symptoms (febrile temperatures, thoracic pain, cough, dyspnoea, haemoptysis)
  • Cutaneously, verrucous, scarring healing granulomas are seen, especially in the area of the nasolabial folds and on the capillitium. Abscess and fistula formation may occur

  • Detection of pathogens (pus, sputum, bronchoalveolar lavage, blood, urine or cerebrospinal fluid)
  • Biopsy
  • Serological specific antibody detection
  • Intracutaneous skin test


  • The disseminated form can be lethal if left untreated
  • Frequent relapses

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