Rubeola scarlatinosa

Last Updated: 2021-08-18

Author(s): Anzengruber F.

ICD11: -

Filatow 1886, Dukes 1900.

4. infectious disease, Fourth disease,  Dukes disease, Fourth disease, Rubeola scarlatiniformia, Parascarlatina, Dukes-Filatow disease.

Doubtfully independent exanthematic infectious disease that occurs in children. It is possibly a form of rubella or an abortive form of scarlet fever.

  • Transmission: droplet infection.
  • Incubation period: 9-20 days.
  • Pathogen: Staph. aureus, mostly phage type 71.
  • It is assumed that the exotoxin (epidermolysin) of Staph. aureus, mostly phage type 71 triggers the skin changes.

  • Prodromal stage: as in measles and rubella.
  • Exanthem stage: rubeoliform or small-spotted scarlatiniform exanthema.

  • Anamnesis
  • Clinical features

Predisposing sites are the intertrigines and neck region.

Mostly without complications.

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