Condylomata acuminata

Last Updated: 2023-07-07

Author(s): Anzengruber F., Navarini A.

ICD11: 1A95

Fig warts, pointed condylomas, wet nipples, anogenital warts.

Highly infectious STD (sexually transmitted disease).

World's most common transmitted viral STD.

Approximately 1% of the population (15-49 years of age) has condylomata acuminata.

It is assumed that the probability of contracting condylomata acuminata by the age of 27 can be put at 4, 7%.

HPV prevalence among women in the pre-vaccination era is estimated to be 9-21%.

Due to the HPV vaccines, a decrease in the incidence of anogenital warts has already been observed in 15-19 year old women (data from Australia speak in part of a decrease in the number of women with the disease by almost 90%!

No sex difference. Highest prevalence in young adults up to the age of 40.

Predisposition to warts

Predisposing factors: Immunosuppression, nicotine abuse, promiscuity.

LR-HPVs, especially types 6 and 11, are considered to be causative for more than 90% of all anogenital condylomata acuminata.

Incubation period of weeks to 6 months.

Spontaneous remission in up to 30%.

Condylomas can occur both genitally and anally.


Painless, often confluent, skin-coloured-livid, soft, sometimes exophytic growing papules, plaques and tumours.


If necessary, biopsy.

An acetic acid test for 5 minutes (5% external, 3% vaginal and intraanal) shows white staining. This traditional test is not always specific.

If necessary

If necessary, proctoscopic examination (MSM).

If the entrance to the urethra is affected, do not do a cystoscopy without prior sanitation (contamination).

Determine hepatitis B, C, syphilis and HIV serology in every patient!

Decent hyperkeratosis, focal parakeratosis, marked acanthosis, enlarged rete ridges, koilocytes, no enlargement of the stratum granulosum (distinguishing feature from verruca vulgaris).

Frequent recurrences. Inform patients about this right from the start!


Both girls and boys should be vaccinated with a tetravalent vaccine (types 6, 11, 16, 18) from the age of 9, but before the first sexual intercourse. If this has already occurred, an individual decision must be made.

Follow-up checks to exclude recurrence after approx. 6 months, earlier if necessary in case of recurrence.

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